Art Nouveau

Origin: Derived from the name of an exhibition gallery opened in Paris by Bing, a connoisseur of Japanese art and craftsmanship.
Definition: An artistic and architectural style that emerged in anti-academic circles in Belgium in 1884 and spread throughout Europe and the United States between the late 19th and early 20th centuries.

Regional Names:

USA: Art Nouveau
England: Modern Style, Art Nouveau
Germany: Jugendstil (from the magazine Jugend)
Catalonia: Modernismo
Spain: Juventud
Italy: Floral Style, Liberty (inspired by the London department store founded in 1875 by Arthur Lasenby Liberty).

Characteristics: The style is distinguished by its sinuous lines, naturalistic shapes, and floral motifs, often with a strong inclination towards detailed ornamentation and innovative use of materials.